Friday, July 15, 2011

Thursday Night Flight

So last night, on my way home from my money making job - since drinking beer doesn't pay yet - I stopped at my Beverage Depot, and grabbed up a few new things to try. I took a step outside my normal, malty selections, and went for some bitterness.

I warmed up with a Sierra Nevada Torpedo Extra IPA, because I figured that if it wasn't going to be malty, it should be Extra not malty. I did enjoy it as a pre meal warm up. It was crisp but fuller in flavor than I expected it to be. It lead nicely up to the meal of Grilled Pork Tenderloin, roasted veggies (and fungus), and potatoes that the neighbors cooked up!!

Once warmed up, the Great Divide Samurai followed nicely with dinner. The primarily rosemary seasoned tenderloin was a great partner to the slightly fruity finish that the rice in the Samurai provided.

As the conversation continued, I grabbed a slightly less intense Sierra Nevada Pale Ale and a few left over slices of pork. Clean, crisp and refreshing beer met nicely with savory, herb crusted pork.

I was warned at the beginning of the gathering, that there was no dessert. To which I replied "don't need it, I brought Beer!" Specifically, I saved the Great Divide Hoss to stand in for traditional dessert. The sound of a Rye Lager seemed interesting, even if it is outside the Reinheitsgebot ingredient list. It's sweet notes represented its role as dessert very well without being too filling.

Overall, it was a nice flight and a great evening.

As always, your comments and questions are welcome.
And I appreciate you taking the time to read my thoughts.


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Saturday, July 9, 2011

Yard Work Beer

If you have ever read this blog, then you know I love craft beer. Yes, I have the sticker that states "Yellow Fizzy Beer is for Wussies". Yes, when given the choice between American Light Beer and almost anything else, I go with the anything else.
However, there are times in life when there's nothing like a nice, ice cold, crisp, cheap beer. And one of those times for me is during or right after a yard work project. I usually reach for Miller Lite, because they tell you right there on the can (because Yard Work Beer HAS to be in a can) that not only does it "Taste Great" but it is also "Less Filling". And I think that's really part of the appeal. When I am all hot and tired, I don't also want that full feeling that Craft Beer - in all its radiant glory - tends to provide. Plus, when I am just going to chug something cold and refreshing, I don't want to waste someone's art.
There was a time when I would reach for a Bud Light but I switched one day when the Miller Lite girls were giving it away at a bar I was at. Seemed like a good enough reason to me. But today, I decided to take myself for a loop and really mix things up. After all, how can I consider myself a Brew Reviewer of Everything that's Brewed, if I stick with my main staples??
So, as I type this, I am not only recovering from moving somewhere in the neighborhood 3000 pounds of concrete blocks, but I am sipping on a brew from Canada's Labatt Breweries - Labatt Ice. Is it because, as stated on the can, it has "No Preservatives"? Or could it be because it's 5.6% ABV? Or, did the $1.09 price tag for a 24oz can seal the deal? All of the above.
Now I know some of you enthusiasts are going to think I'm crazy for even admitting all that information, but that's just how it is.
So as always, feel free to comment or ask questions. And if you are going to do some yard work, and combine that with a Yard Work Beer, please do so responsibly.
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